Riot Rallye Descriptions of all Stations in English

On the 7th of March from 15-18:00, we want to invite you to our #8M_Riot_Rallye! We have 9 stations that you can visit. There is no order in wich you have to visit them, just choose your own way. Because we want it to be Corona-safe you can go on your own or with your own crew (your friends, your WG, who ever you want to go with). You’re required to wear a FFP2- or medical mask and keep 1,5 m distance to others.

You can find the descriptions of all the different Riot Rallye stations below!


  1. Trigger warning. Worldwide, 35 million women and girls are on the move, fleeing. They face particular difficulties, which is why we want to draw attention to this issue and provide you with facts and figures. (Sielwallfähre am Osterdeich, organized by Seebrücke Bremen)
  2. Social change needs the experiences and voices of women*.
    For the International Women’s* Resistance Day on 8 March, we are transforming the windows of Liegnitzstraße 12 into an exhibition. With pictures, texts and posters we will make feminist issues and struggles visible. Where does the International Women’s* Day come from? What feminist protest movements exist in the world? What do we have to strike for here? (Liegnitzstr. 12, organized by Solidarisch in Gröpelingen)

Second Part of station 2:
Corona makes clear what has been known for a long time: access to abortions in Germany is too rare, connected with too many hurdles and unfortunately still fundamentally illegal!
Fewer and fewer doctors are willing to perform abortions and for many pregnant women the enormous distances to the clinics are often insurmountable due to money, family, lack of a car and work. Even for people who would have to come to Germany to have an abortion, e.g. because of the new legal situation in Poland, there is hardly any option left because of border restrictions.

3. & 4. We have prepared various tasks for you about antifeminism and about reproductive rights:
– Quiz – how was it again with the termination of pregnancy?
– Who said what? Matching reactionary citations to their shitface-producers.
– Forced counseling – now also for men!
– Step-by-step guide: Get out of the shitty club (church).
Come to our stop and let’s set a sign together against patriarchy, capital and fatherland! (Osterdeich in front of the Kunsttunnel, organized by Basisgruppe Antifaschismus Bremen)

5.  the Gender Lab of Queeraspora with an Audio Installation to “Woman” outside of western Patriarchy. (Theodor-Körner-Str. 1)

6. “Manspreading” refers to cis-men sitting wide-legged and taking up a lot of space in public. It is similar with the related genital. The penis is present in everyday life, on house walls and bus stops.
But what about a vulva or a clitoris, for example? With women who have a penis? Or inter*gender people, whose sexual organs cannot be classified in a binary way?
To draw and show these is for many overtaxing, the sex education usually insufficient to traumatizing.
We are angry about that! We finally want to see diverse sexual organs on house walls and bus stops!
So sit down broad-legged in bus, train or bike, come to our stop on Sunday to pick up chalk and coloring pictures and let’s beautify the city, because: all genitals are beautiful! (Lahnstr. corner Wiesbadener Str., organized by DETE)

7. WLINTA* what does that actually stand for?
Women, Lesbian, Inter*, Trans*, Non-Binary, Agender and what does it mean?
We scratch the surface and dare an attempt at explanations of terms.
Cis, queer, heteronormative?
Terms determine how we see the world – so let’s change it together!
Educate yourselves, educate others, form crews! (Wilhelm-Kaisen-Brücke)

8. Through video art called “Take back the city” we want to draw attention to the displacement of women, lesbians, inter-, non-binary, trans- and a-gender people from public space that is caused by the presence of male violence and dominance.
In the video you can see spaces of male dominance, as well as actions of re-appropriation of these spaces by the repressed people. Our aim is to give a setting to the subjective ‘feeling of danger’ of FLINTA and to draw attention to the resulting restriction of freedom of movement. (Humboldtstr. 94, am Dobben 131 and Berliner Str. 22c, organized by Racker*innen)

9. The crisis is in the system! This saying applies to many systems, including the healthcare system in Germany. As a part of Women- and Queer-Strike Bremen, we are addressing the topic of care work in hospitals.
At our stop you can get an insight into the political struggles in and around the healthcare system.
(Hospital “Mitte” main entrance, St. Jürgen-Str. close to Bismarckstr.)


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