International Feminist Fight Day
March 08, 2025
3 PM at Bremen, Marktplatz
Together against fascism!
Feminism means resistance!
For years, we have seen the strengthening of right-wing forces inside and outside parliaments in Germany and around the world. This has consequences, because the shift to the right, to fascism, militarization and capitalism are closely intertwined with anti-feminism, misogyny, trans- and queerphobia, anti-Semitism, racism and ableism. That is why it is now all the more important that we strengthen each other, network in solidarity and fight together! Let’s take to the streets together on March 8, 2025: Against fascism – for a world without feminicides, without queer hostility, without state and colonial violence and without racism!
We fear that the lives of women, queer and trans people, migrants and racialized people in Germany will deteriorate in the coming years. People seeking protection will not be granted residency and will be forced into illegality. At the same time, racist narratives and state repression exacerbate social division and disenfranchisement. We are fighting for the right to stay for everyone so that we can all live here in safety, dignity and with equal rights!
The global rise of right-wing populist and authoritarian movements is exacerbating patriarchal gender images and violence against WLINTA. Feminicides and anti-queer attacks are on the rise.Countries such as Turkey are withdrawing from the Istanbul Convention, while right-wing parties in Europe are questioning its protective measures.Traditional gender images are robbing us of our diversity, our self-determination and our strength. In Germany, the abolition of §218 was within reach – now the legalization of abortions has once again moved into distance.
These anti-feminist policies go hand in hand with capitalist exploitation: WLINTA do the majority of unpaid care and reproductive work – in households and in care professions. This invisible work keeps societies running, while neoliberal cutbacks reduce social benefits and force migrant WLINTA in particular into increasingly precarious living conditions.
WLINTA suffer the most under dictatorial rulers, Islamist terror, in wars and under the continuing structures of colonialism. Capitalism, patriarchy and colonial exploitation are inextricably linked – they devalue WLINTA as workers, as the “last colony”, disempower them politically and make them particularly vulnerable to violence and poverty. That is why we stand side by side with all emancipatory struggles – from Iran, Afghanistan and Kurdistan to the anti-colonial and feminist liberation movements in the Global South.
Together, in solidarity, anti-colonial and internationalist, we declare war on these developments! We are many and we stand against right-wing politics! We continue to fight for justice, freedom and self-determination! United in feminist resistance against patriarchy, capitalism & fascism!
Join us on the streets! For a good life for all!
Out on March 8!
The demo is jointly organized by: Frauenrat Sêvê e.V., Frauen Organisation 8. März (Iran- Afghanistan), Frau – Leben – Freiheit Bremen, Gemeinsam Kämpfen – Feministische Organisierung für Selbstbestimmung und Demokratische Autonomie, Junge Frauen Kommune, Stoppt Femi(ni)zide Bremen und dem Feministischen Streik Bremen.