F_Streik Bremen demands:
- The complete and unconditional removal of Section 218 from the German Criminal Code.
- Unrestricted, nationwide, and barrier-free access to legal, local abortion services.
- A human rights-based new regulation of abortion, founded on sexual and reproductive health and rights.
- The abolition of mandatory counseling and the “waiting period” (§218a).
- The right to qualified, non-directive counseling as a mandatory responsibility of the federal and state governments.
- Full coverage of all costs by health insurance, and the treatment of abortion as a standard part of healthcare and health protection.
- Mandatory training in abortion methods as part of medical education for specialists and medical degree programs.
- Comprehensive information about and free access to all contraceptives, as well as free provision of the morning-after pill as an emergency contraceptive.
- The destigmatization of abortion and the inclusion of the topic in sexual education.
- Social and economic support from the state and the provision of necessary infrastructure for all who choose to have a child, ensuring they can maintain their life plans.